Do not fall
What does it mean not to fall? When thinking about it. You might imagine many aspects to the meaning of falling. Falling off something, falling while you’re walking, slipping and falling. But I’m not talking about any of these types of falling. So what is this ‘fall’? That has become such an issue. The fall I am referring to is the mental decline someone experiences due to difficulties and complications that they might have to face in life. The loss in self confidence and self esteem. So how do we achieve this self confidence and refrain from losing it? When we fail at something we worked hard for. It keeps us sleepless at night. We don’t have the appetite to eat. We can’t think about anything else other than the failure that has happened to us. There’s nothing wrong with dwelling your thoughts on your failures, as long as you do it the right way. Understanding your weaknesses and gaining from a failed experience to improve yourself. “Never a failure always a lesson”
A famous quote by Napolean Hill states that “Most great people have attained their greatest success, just one step beyond their greatest failure” The great inventors of our time achieved their success because even though they might have failed a hundred thousand times, they didn’t give up. And it is because they didn’t give up despite their failures, today they indulge in the satisfaction of victory and success.
How many times do you think Lord Buddha tried to attain enlightenment? He went searching for various mentors and practices. Through each failure he didn’t give up and continued his journey. He endured all failure for a period of 6 years and never gave up. His courage stood in the belief he had in himself.
Thomas Edison, failed 999 times, if he had given up and let go of his dreams, we would probably still be sitting around a fire, counting dead mosquitoes. Everybody fails sometimes. We are only human. Use your failures as building blocks to the construction of your self confidence. Don’t give up. Keep moving forward.
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